"I loved the January 2025 workshop! I think it's the best one, we are all so different now and that includes you.... and the clarity of the process is what we all needed to hear. I feel reassured, excited about the process and confident that we are on the right path for our frequency. We are being assisted in a very individual and specific way. WOW I feel so blessed and grateful Thank you and ALL the Masters who are assisting us."
Rella. S
“Thanks Nova! It was a good session last night. I was very quiet as I have had a tough week and didn’t know where to even begin with questions! Anyhow I woke up with more hope and joy this morning so thank you!!!!!”
– Love, Isla
“Thank you for a very powerful Members Only Healing night! I appreciate your guidance with not listening for 3-4 days. What a joy it is to be able to travel with you!
BIG hugs and with much appreciation,
“I can already tell a difference between the monthly healings. Your Open Healings have always been incredibly powerful but this is a whole new level of healing we get as a Member. Plus I loved the channeled message you emailed to us! Just what I needed to hear!! Thank you Nova!!”
~Tina M.
“Thank you for being an instrument to bringing us this choice to undergo acute transformation. Thank you for evolving to bring us to open our minds to this choice of higher level of consciousness. The heightened awareness to return to a connection to the divine aspects of myself which has been dormant far to long. It sounds like a remarkable, challenging, rewarding process to bring us from illusions, blocks to ecstasy of joy and being. Thank you for everything!”
– Debrah B.
“I listened to the recording last night from Dec 20th. This is now the 2nd time when I’ve listened to a recording on speaker and my cat goes bonkers over your voice. He runs right to the phone and sits there. I just had to tell you.”
-Anna P.
“I can’t thank you enough for the beautiful angel card reading yesterday. Every card you turned helped me see my situation from a more positive perspective and I feel ready to let go of the fear and control I was living in around it. Even questions that were held in my heart and not spoken were addressed in the cards! I now understand I have way more support than I realize from the angelic realms, if I will quit trying to figure everything out and just live in a state of allowance. I can’t believe I am saying this, but I am sort of excited to see how this whole “stressful” situation unfolds, now that I don’t feel so responsible for the outcome! Thank you, Nova!!”
– Julie B.
“What an unusual and expanding experience. Am still reveling and in wonderment of the internal changes that continue to ‘spark’ healing. Me thinks I am still sorting, processing. Much gratitude that you, Nova chose to LISTEN to spirit and act upon the loving guidance shown and given to you. No doubt your lessons have brought to us all a place where we can BE and grow without harmful ‘side effects’…..! ENERGY IS. There are many modalities available in these times, as we know, however healing energy resonates differently in each one of us. Onward and Upward in joy and deep gratitude.”
– Johanna K.
Although I have experienced many other modalities over my lifetime, Ascend-Now The Seven Seals of Ascension course has gone far beyond to get to my entire entanglement and Yokes of Labor cleared, not just the surface of my issues but all of them. It has allowed me to be clearer than ever before so that I may help others around me to heal, stand in my power without control or judgment and open up to receiving… in so many ways and to live in this embodiment with more joy and harmony than ever before. I am truly grateful to Nova for bring this work forward and sharing it with the world.
Blessings to all who take this step to finding your Truth.”
– Juliette K.
Hello my name is Julia and I have been a nurse for 30 years. I met Nova through a friend and she became a true life saver in my busy, sometimes chaotic, life. I will tell you of just one of the miracles she has worked for me. After finishing a very difficult nursing contract I was having terrible trouble with my digestion. Though hungry, I felt things I swallowed stayed in my stomach and put pressure on my esophagus. nothing was moving and I felt locked throughout my torso. I was dreading seeing a Doctor and all the tests, etc that would follow but I was getting worse and weaker. I called Nova and in less than 30 minutes she released all of the “ knots” (only way I can describe it) from my digestive system. The relief was so great I just felt like jello. I slept like a child that night and the next morning I had to struggle to even remember why I had been sick for a week. Wishing you the blessing of good health.
I am a political strategist, lawyer, and professional speechwriter. I was referred to Nova thru my gf who is a client of hers. After the 2020 Presidential campaign I developed a cardiac issue after having contracted COVID on the campaign trail and was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation. Nova, from a distance, observed me and instantly saw an energetic issue with my heart. When she started working on me I feel into a very deep sleep. When I awoke, though I felt weak, my gf, who is a nurse, said I looked “ post surgery” But, I was truly a new person. All my life I had this constriction in my chest. Even as a young athlete I felt it. I had always felt it. Doctors and tests had found nothing. Nova instantly found, and removed, an “energetic block“ that had been in the male line of my family for 12 generations. Sound extraordinary? It did to me as well. The Medical confirmation came the next day at cardiac rehab. I was in normal rhythm for the first time since getting sick and I have had a deep and abiding peace since I awoke that I had never previously known in my life. I’m not given to hyperbole but Nova is a truly amazing and gifted healer and she did for me what medical doctors could not.
Experiencing change is different for everyone. That is something that just IS.
Our thoughts, body, emotions, are the way we connect to our life, body and the experiences that we have.
* Do you like the way your body, life and emotions are showing up, or the way it feels?
* Are you fully allowing yourself to receive all that is possible for you?
* Are you ready to expand into the you, that you truly are?
Simply put, I guide those who are ready, to expand beyond all resistance into where you desire to be and experience. I will walk by your side to guide you, as you learn to allow yourself to let go and expand into your truth.
Its simpler than your think!
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