Mission statement
Individual & Global movement for the highest and best good for all.
It's time to return to love
It's time to return to love
By clarifying your vibration, you become the change you are seeking. It is truly a simple process of relaxing, expanding, allowing yourself to let go. A side effect of allowing this process is living and being that what you truly desire. We also can do this by releasing the effects and heaviness of 3D earth and humanity's lower consciousness around any topic. This clarifies and defines your light/vibration. This is the state of Becoming, that will assist you on your individual journey into ascension, the 5D reality and New Earth. Gaining a more and more crystalline state of light.
Naturally you begin to anchor this light to earth, helping the earth and all of humanity at the same time!
Every time you release a negative, heavy, lower energy, a thought, emotion, stuck energy or pattern, you are clarifying your light vibration and presence of you. Every time you allow yourself this gift of change, you are disconnecting from the negative and heavy influence contained in lower humanity's consciousness.
This helps not only you, but all of Earth.
The vibrations of earth, your body and mind are changing into something different. There is so much happening for the greater good for all, during this time in Earth's reality. Like, change brings with it some difficulties and discomfort. We are here to help balance, harmonize and create more ease in your journey into the new birth of higher vibrations and light.
Beloved Lights!
All in existence, is vibration and light. Our emotions even vibrate at different frequencies! Everything we experience is vibration including manifestation, healing, health, desire. Life itself is light and vibration. Every one of these light frequencies have certain creational vibrations. Some are heavy and hold us back, some are light and aid us in expanding in joy.
Changing the way you experience life itself.
There are many vibrational frequencies that works to dissolve the effects of the heaviness within you and all around you. You begin to express more light through you, yet it also does much more than that.
When receiving divine light spectrum, you experience the effects of what you are creating, change. As your frequency changes, everything will change around you and within you. This brings you into more clarity. Diminishing and dissolving all the 3D vibrational blocks and opening you into a deeper crystalline clarity, knowing and understanding. Creating better and more expanded manifestations and experiences. You become all that you desire. Your very vibration and frequency begin to match all that you desire. This light frequency, becomes you, as you connect to the higher reality's, to your truth and to divine oneness of all light.
Then you open up beyond this knowledge, into realization that you were this all along! You recognize that you are the light. You just needed to let go, to realize and experience this truth.
Be brave, beloved lights. Join the conscious awakening, healing. Become
the bringing in of the fullness of light on Earth and all upon her.
It is time for you to return to love!
Open Haling is free for all to attend. This offering is held once a month, generally on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 8PM EST
We have new topics each month.
Next Open Healing
March 20th at 8pm EST
Topic: Welcoming to new
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All are welcome. Let's Return to love together!
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